How to rebuild your life, around your perspective of who you are.
2025 January
On the end of the day, I want for myself a good laughter about what happened that day. I want to go to rest with a peaceful and happy mind when I remember al those things and accomplamations I have made that day for myself.
That maybe as small as being happy about cleaning my house or doing some laundry.
But also about the bigger accomplishments of that day. Making a break-trough trough work or study. Being able to manifest my happiness and workload to be productive and reliable. Something I can endure, Something I can remines about and making myself happy and thoughtful about what I have done.
This website is to make people aware off there accomplishments they made for themself and there personal circle off the system we all life apart in. I will keep close to a journal and give people the opportunity off how I got myself out of a significant dark place I have been trough, and making my way back off.
I want to make people aware off there own personal attitude to themself and there behaviour they practice everyday to keep them out off a slang. Most people LIKE I DID are not able to get themself out off there own negative personal mindset what keeps dragging them down. Like many years have done for me. Later on I will tell you more about my past and my growing gratitude about being a better person to myself and the people around me.
I want to create a save environment for people to tell there story and keep getting them going to change in to a better person for themself. Because what I have learned this past year made my life so much easier and well for me that I cannot hide the pleasure I found in re-finding me.
I want to renew your energies around you and within you by giving you information about my personal journey in this crazy time-line of mine.
I will be giving you strengths and highlights that can maybe make your life a little easier to live to. By making my story a personal one will learn you how to relax and revolve the energies around and within in you, to a breakpoint where the world does not feel so heavy anymore.
By doing this, giving you information about how I renewed my life for me, Ill be open and transparent about how it evolved me.
On this moment its not a official method but I am positively sure that how it helped me it will also give you a inner sight about how to get your life back together.
I would like to address depression and other mental health disorders as a small gesture where you need to learn to live with. Traumas and sadness are there because they shape us.
And however it never made me personally stronger what happened before, i wouldn't be the person I am today if I had not gone trough all that.
I hope you will enjoy my small stories about my silly life and it will make you laugh and give you strength to pull yourself also out off the bad days in to the good life.
Sincerely yours,
Kim Celina